Today, my guys and I - and by 'guys' I mean my 2 dogs and husband- went for a long walk at the beach.
Just a beautiful winter beach walk, so much to love about it. So finding a heart rock today just seems like a little gift from Mother Nature or something. A special token to remember the slow delicious moments that are often taken for granted.
Last summer, at this same beach while walking and collecting sea glass a very elderly woman walked up to me and said "Here, you'll like this one too." She reached out and opened up her palm to reveal a lavender piece of sea glass the exact same shade of her long linen sundress.
Then she smiled and walked away.
This moment - this woman - this gift - has stuck with me. I think of her every time I am walking the beach.
When I find pieces of purple sea glass now, like today, I think "Is this another gift from her?" "Should I pass it on too?"
Now I'm finding myself wanting to paint with that shade of purple, and Ive got images in my head that are just waiting to come out on canvas among other things. That one moment of time has set inspiration into motion.
Where do you find inspiration? Share your story in the comments, I'd love to read them.
Oh and DON"T even get me started on that red sea glass!