Beach Santa 1 - daily painting, Debbie Miller

 6x6" Oil on panel -  With Turkey Day behind us - even the leftovers are gone - it's full steam ahead.
         For sure Santa is in the weeds and dreaming about his upcoming beach vacation.

I'm getting ready for the RISD Holiday Sale THIS sat. at the RI Convention Center and also My Holiday Open Studio on Dec. 10.  busy busy busy.... but look who has popped up to lend a hand....

Sunshine Shoulders, Debbie Miller, children playing at the beach, painting

6x6" oil on panel

This week, since its so busy - for me and you - I've decided to post some of my little paintings that Ive posted before but are still kicking around the studio - but they are perfect little gifts!! Totally dry and ready to be shipped asap.

free shipping too PLUS I can gift wrap AND Ive got some small easels perfect for propping the painting on for display.

artist spotlight - Mark Taber

A really talented pianist,artist and all around interesting fellow -Mark Taber - watch THIS

I've had the honor of painting him a few times - HERE, HERE.  Not only is he a great model but we always get treated to a little piano during painting breaks.

After watching this, I would love to do a big portrait of him in front of one of his vehicles. fact I would like to do a whole series of real big portraits of artists with their 'stuff'  .....

Sewing Project OR How to make Grammy happy

So today , I used THIS

 to make THIS -  a cover for my fancy printer.
 Now I know this is not a big deal to many of you - but for me it is a momentous occasion!  It just may be the first thing I've sewn since the pillow I made in 7th grade home ec class.  So...yeah it's been a while.

 I found this quilted fabric at a consignment store for next to nothing.  MY green AND it has swirly flowers and batting on the back.

 In other words - THE perfect fabric.

 A few years ago, I would have promptly brought it over to my Grandmothers house and her trusty old singer sewing machine and she would have quickly sewn it while I had a cup of tea.  Followed by a cookie and a "wish you girls would sew" comment thrown in for good meassure.

 Gram sewed.  She made all my curtains, pillows,comforters - you name it. She sewed it.  - For my all of us - Mom, sister, brother, aunt, her great grandkids etc.
It was her thing. 

Well she is almost 94 now and basically told us It's high time we learned to sew for ourselves! 
So Gram - this is for you - sit back and enjoy the roses!!   You've earned it.


Aistream studio - do you have one?

I'm a little obsessed with vintage airstreams....not as a camping option (although I do see the charm).

What I really really want to do is park one in my yard and convert it into a studio/living space.
I dream about it.  Seriously.

This one is cool - modern airstream studio - although not cozy, bohemian enough. 

This one is closer to what I imagine:

THIS is just ridiculously AWESOME and more what I'm dreaming about.  Read more HERE

Couldn't you picture me in there blogging away with my little dog curled up on the couch?  I can.

 I might even put a "no boys allowed" sign on the door.  - teenage boys not allowed -  besides the kitchen is IN the house. 

anyone got one they would like to donate to my cause??

Portrait of Julie - portrait painting,Debbie Miller

10x10 oil on panel. 
After painitng for almost 2 days straight, it was nice to take a break from the cupcakes and get back to my favorite pastime - painting heads :) 
Still on a painitng roll though I did 2 of this model.  They are both posted over on the "About Face" blog.

Happy Fall

 Seriously, I'm completely in love with the instagram app on my iphone.  The square format and the different filters, it just makes me so happy.  I want to spend the day photo styling around my house :)
 I even used it yesterday in my kindergarten art class.  Cool art - perfect for instagram fun.

Ta DA! Cupcake Paintings, Debbie Miller


18 total little cupcake paintings over the past 2 days.  Seriously it was a marathon.   These 16 are all on canvas.  There were 2 kicking around the studio, so they got added in. 
  There are 4 more that I did on panels. 

These are going to the Beth Urdang Gallery in Boston and Wellesley Mass. 

Cupcake (A), pink, cupcake painting,Debbie Miller

 6x6" oil on canvas. 
cupcakes, cupcakes,cupcakes and more cupcakes.
 Getting a big batch of cupcakes ready to go up to Boston. 
First, I spent Saturday tracking down some interesting models :).  Just wasn't in the mood to paint the grocery store cupcakes, for this amount of paintings I needed to switch things up and get some fresh
 after that massive task - (eh hem, East Bay - we could really use a gourmet cupcake shop!)
I primed 16 small canvases and a bunch of panels.  THEN, I jammed.  Knocked out a whole bunch!!
  Talk about a Sugar Rush!!!
Back at it tomorrow.  Stay tuned, I'll share a few of them and let you know where they are going too.

It's all about the cupcakes, cupcake paintings,debbie miller

  For the next few days, it really is.  No Joke. 
I've got a bagillion to paint.    You know that pre-holiday cookie baking frenzie everyone seems to do at least once in their life? - usually before you turn 40 and you realize that you really DON'T have to make 12 kinds of cookies.  Yeh,THAT is what it will be like around the ol' studio for the next few days.
 It's cool.  No worries.  I got this. 

Passion, daily painting, cupcakes,debbie miller

 6x6" oil on canvas. 
I have to admit the last thing I feel like looking at after last nights candy fest (and this morning too, I confess) is more sugar!!!
BUT the cupcake painting must go on...  Keep Calm and Carry On.
 - By now, you all know the saying and if you are a blogger who fequents the design blogs, you probably have the poster in your house some where!   I've got a yellow one in my kitchen.  But I'm a little  tempted to get this one from Target for my studio:
 but since I'm really trying to lose the baby weight (yes my baby is 13- so what?) I will have to switch it up like this:
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