Out of the Box - something different for Daily Painters Galllery

3ftx4ft oil on canvas. contact me for availability.
Out of the Box day tomorrow (april 1) over at www.dailypainters.com .

Which means that we were challenged to do something we wouldnt normally do and then post. Not sure how many of us with give it a go but should be interesting.

Since I normally paint small, sorta contemporary realism I decided to go BIG and abstract. So here it is. My boys love it and have put dibs on it. :)

dont worry...back to the beach tomorrow....

Happy -daily painting,doodles,flower heads

6x6" oil on masonite panel. I like Mondays. Its my get back into a routine,get the house organized etc day.

But its also my girl day. Mondays I have the honor of spending with my 2 yr old niece Mirabelle. Today, we decided was a good day to paint- and by 'we' I mean She of course -

Is there a better way to spend a rainy, chilly monday? I think not. ...and typically up popped the 'flower heads' again. Which my little studio mate promptly named "Happy".


A Line in the Sand - daily painting, beach scenes

6x6 oil on masonite panel. Drawing a Line in the Sand.

Needs to be done every now and then. Something different for everyone; setting boundaries, making lists and expectations. Spring cleaning time of year - perfect time to regroup, to draw new lines....one of mine is to free up my weekends - still be busy of course and most likely still painting but not worrying about posting and getting on the computer on saturdays. -
so signing of till monday...ok, probably sunday night...still happy spring weekend...

Go Your Own Way - daily painting, beach scene

6x6" oil on masonite panel.
As artists we often question ourselves - at least I do, but I suspect I'm not alone....we wonder is this right?, should I paint more realistically?, more painterly?, less realistically?, should I paint like him ?or larger? etc etc etc.
It is a constant daily battle and in the end makes us grow if it doesnt freeze us up!! If I dont listen to all these negative little messages - my true artist self emerges...it cant help it...and its OK-.

Go Your Own Way. Your own voice always works...it just does.

Sea Watch -daily painting, beach scene

5x7 oil on masonite panel. this is painted from the challenge photo posted over at Karin Jurick's inspiration site . Of course I couldnt resist this one - in fact I did 3! This is the kind of photo I love - people doing their thing - Often I get asked to paint from someones photos but they usually are the kids staring at the camera. No interest in that at all - these kind of shots are what grab me. btw - added the bird in honor of our Ospreys that have just returned to town! Spring is officially here.

work in progress -nfs -yet

this is a work in progress - Ive been a little crazed these past couple weeks. Lots going on. Working on commissions and also a new series - more of these bubble/encaustics. waaay more contemporary and bigger than my usual. totally jazzed about them though and cant get enough.
Above is the start of one - the oil painting part. actually ive added more circles, orange and drippy paint to this after i snapped the photo. Next comes the wax. and the collage and layers - ooooh the possibilities are endless!! Ive got 6 or 7 of these at different stages and sizes and some with fish or just shapes.
*below is a page from my sketchbook - this is how I 'think'

Happy First Day of Spring!!!!!!!

Flotsam and Jetsam

Originally uploaded by Sgeir Mhor

teaching today and catching up on some things to get ready for a full day of painting on wed. - didn't want to leave you without a little eye candy though- and this is eye candy with a message - a near and dear to my heart message....
Check out these photos I came across on flickr -Scottish photographer Becky Williamson has put together a group with pictures of art created by the flotsam and jetsam found on the beach - otherwise known as trash washed ashore! click on the image to see more.


Originally uploaded by debmillerart

finally on flickr!! testing this out...you can blog from flickr- how cool is that???
this is the shelf above my desk in my little studio space. check out my new tea mug! click on the photo


framed and ready to go...

these are the simple frames I made. tedious but happy with the results. Loving the white washed frames with the beach scenes. this group is off to the Donovan Galley in Tiverton RI

the little ones look great on a shelf too. *** collectors - I'ld love to see the way youve framed your paintings, if youve got a photo send it my way


Busy over the next few days working on new work for my galleries and framing and switching out work, oh and teaching too. Not sure if I'll get to post a little one but will try!

***sneak peak of the work for my June show coming soon***.

"13" -daily painting, cake, sweets

6x6" oil on masonite panel. 13. Our middle son is 13 today. Every year he requests Boston Cream Pie (from Vienna Bakery) for his cake. Every Year. His artist mom COULD make him a cool creative cake ...but no, he's good with the usual, why rock the boat. "Its how I roll" says he.
so it got its portrait done before it disappears (inspired of course by Wayne Thiebaud.)

Flower Head - daily painting, doodles

6x6" oil on gessobord. I am working on some paintings for an upcoming show and dont want to post them yet, THIS is a doodle, its what I draw all the time for some reason. Flower Heads. weird. usually they show up in my journals but today while talking on the phone in front of my paints this happened....didnt even really realize I was painting it until I was done. ... abducted by the flower head aliens I guess... or some might say I need to open a window for some ventilation!

All Summer

20x20" nfs - oil,collage,encaustic on supported wood panel. All Summer. This is what happens when you paint everyday and cabin fever strikes.....new things start to happen. My favorite little surfers are making an appearance, along with favorite colors,bubbles and some vintage type from an old childrens book. all held together with encaustic - which is so fun to play with. I like to carve into it then rub oil colors on top which I did a little of here. Hard to photo these to get all the depth and color.

My brother paints with encaustic all the time and his work is gorgeous! He's got a tutorial on his blog that shows his process with encaustic and photo transfer, it really is worth a look. check it HERE.

Reflecting - daily painting, children playing at the beach

6x6" oil on gessobord. I forgot that tomorrow over at Daily Painters.com the paintings are supposed to be inspired by "reflecting" - we do a theme day at the beginning of each month. No time now to paint a new one so I'm posting this one from a while back.

Lovely - daily painting , floral still life

6x6" oil on masonite panel. Lovely. Ha! it is soooo not lovely here in the N.E. today! i'm ignoring it. I'm going to paint spring and summer in my basement studio for the next 2 days and forget all about this snow....plus I'm on a roll, might as well keep it going (secretly shooting for 100 in a row...shhh.)
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