Catch a Wave -daily painting,beach scene

6x6" oil on gessoboard sold
Catch a Wave. Couldnt decide on a title. There are so many decisions when you paint - thats why it can be like meditating because you really have to focus and think and DECIDE. decide what to paint. then the colors and the composition and the technique. Something I wrestle with everytime is how realistic to take the painting. The more I paint the further I want to go from realism. The white water is a good example of this, for me its really fun and more satisfying to paint that 'froth' with very direct brushstrokes leaving all attempts at copying reality far behind but rather trying to achieve a 'feeling' of waves. Itching to try this with a really big canvas and huge brushes....
Have a great weekend everyone!

Endless Summer - daily painting, beach scenes

6x6" oil on gessoboard sold

Endless Summer - remembering those days when a summer seemed to last forever. Catching a wave was the only thing to do.......

***edit*** check out the link to My Boy's Art Blog - look for the little widget on the right side of my blog. Its the spot where my boys will post their art -when the inspiration hits! - and Sister send some of your little artists work and we'll add those too!

My Baby

6x8' oil on gessoboard NFS
a commission finished today. (not MY baby - someone elses little cutie) Tomorrow - more scenes from the beach inpired by todays warm weather and last weekends 'unofficial' start of summer. Soon Ive got a little update on what has gotten me so busy stay tuned.

A Typical Day

A Typical Day - a poem by Nick Miller ---whose 14th birthday is saturday.

flower power and American Art Collector Ad

painted today but kinda hate the results so instead heres what I did yesterday :) My son and I got the veggie garden up and running (he'll tell you its HIS garden) and then we went wild with the fence. our favorite is the liscence plate flower...we want to make more so if youve got some you wouldnt mind parting with send them our way!!! email me and I'll give our would be fun to see where we get them from
also, made my favorite 'salad bowl' pots for the deck... oh yeh and I have an ad coming out in the June issue of American Art Collector magazine!! it is on the newstands today-I think- so go pick one up and check it out. I'm really happy with it. My brother and sister-in-law helped me with the design layout - actually they did it all and did a great job! talented couple: those 2.

One - daily painting, beach scenes

6x6" oil on gessoboard
back to it today with a vengence. painted for 4 hours, then shipped 4 paintings. treated myself to an iced coffee after that marathon. :)
I've painted this image before and always come back to it. I dont like to reveal wether I like a painting or not but this one I do love, it speaks to me in so many ways. - the warmth on her shoulder just plain rocks. :)

Fox Terrier, daily painting, small dog series

4.5 x 4.5" acrylic on wood
fox terrier is next in the small dog series. A fox terrier was my first experience with a 'pure breed' dog. When I was 10 my best friend had one. They called her Kelley but her 'official' name was Lady Kelley of Salisbury St. My dog - a mutt - was just plain Lady...and a fine one at that...she didnt need a title ;) --as for the painting, I am loving the yellow.

Jack Russell -daily painting,small dog series

4.5 x4.5" acrylic on wood
small dog, small painting. this is the first from a little series of dogs. saw -tooth hanger on the back for easy hanging and the sides of the wood are painted black. Personally, I like my dogs big but I can appreciate the huge personalities that the little breeds have and had fun painting them.
The plan is to make some prints of these, I'll let you know when I get around to that. :) May is such a busy month - almost as busy as December if thats possible.

May Day -daily painting,plein air

6x6" oil on masonite
May Day. I love May. What better way to spend the day than with my dog doing a little plein air. My car is still out of commission with its mystery illness so we walked to this spot. -down the end of our road and on the river. Started out painting the water but this view behind just begged to be painted. Its the top of a big 3 story victorian that is right on the busy road but from my spot on the water the apple trees in bloom and the marsh block the view of the cars. Its so pretty from this angle, couldnt help imagining a time gone by.
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