8x8" oil on hardboard panel $140
A very personal painting on many levels - Completely inspired by
my brother and his Hinterland Series, its of the beach were we spent many many childhood days and drawn from a photo of his daughter running there. meant to be a loose and dreamy interpretation of a favorite place
***FYI*** this sunday 12-5pm is the Warren RI Walkabout (open studios,restaurant tastings etc) -
I will have some of my paintings, (maybe some prints too) on display along with David's work in their old studio space that we are in the process of turning into a gallery space for our work and my sister - in -laws work too. The space is a work in progress but its starting to take shape and we'ld love for you to stop by and say hi - its #205 in the
Cutler Building 30 Cutler St Warren