Good bye 2015 Hello 2016

I used some app that found my 9 most liked photos on instagram. (can't remember which one, just google it) I think they sum up the past year pretty well.
                                                                 Happy New Year!  xo

Peace Sign Wreath

how to make a peace sign wreath, christmas lights peace sign
  Our holiday cards every year almost always say "peace".
Back when I was a young mother with 3 very active little boys, the word had a double meaning for me beyond the common Peace on Earth.
   "Peace and quiet please" or please just a few minutes less of "get off your brother, legos are toys to share or please eat don't throw your apple"

Those were the good ol' days weren't they?

Anyhoo - the world sure has changed.
"Peace" is still my favorite sentiment and this year I decided to make a big peace sign wreath for the front of our house.

 Here is how I did it:
I picked up a couple of 36 inch wreath forms at Michael's
They were $6.99 each.  I used some wire cutters to cut up one of the frames and flattened and straightened out the peices.  This was the hardest part and it wasn't even that hard especially since I got my husband to do the cutting.
After that it is just a matter of securing to the other frame - I used some florest wire for this.
Then I wrapped it with some lights - a mix of white - which I already had and some colored lights that I found on the floor of my sons room -
It is super easy, super cheap and super cool looking and the closest I'm getting to a holiday card this year.
peace sign, christmas lights, wreath form
peace sign wreath, wreath form, christmas lights, diy

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