Beach Shoes - daily painting,beach scenes

6x6" oil on gessoboard
beach shoes, daily painting fun. must admit the color is off in this photo, the pinks are pinker and the background is a richer tan/yellow than this shows


Anonymous said...

Love the flip flops...we've just been hit with a dump of snow - we're near the Rocky Mountains - so I am hankering for a touch of summer...even spring would be nice.

Diana Marshall said...

cute shoes, what a good idea! I noticed that some of the pink underpainting showed through here and there which gives it some extra zing. I have noticed that quite a few artists do that. Do you let the base color dry before you paint on top of it? I have tried it out but I find if it's wet it mixes with the top layer of paint.
The weather loks good where you are we have 75F here.

Karen Appleton said...

I am jealous, are you in flip flop temps already??? Love this painting, I love the pinks on the black, nice light!!!

Debbie Miller said...

hello ladies!! yes flipflop season has arrived! it was almost 80 here today!
Diana I've been painting on a cad. orange ground lately, I learned to do that way back in college (RISD)
and it is still my favorite way to paint. I coat the gesso board (or canvas) with a nice bright red/orange acrylic and paint over that. if I base coat with oil it turns into a muddy mess and I'm really into vivid :-), sometimes i paint on black gesso and often -all too often - I paint on 'bad' paintings that I immediately whiped and they have been sitting around the studio, so they are dry and usually blueish. hope that helps. happy spring all

Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

Love this one - OK flip flops may not be MONUMENTAL things to paint, but I love them - especially yours!

Diana Marshall said...

Thanks Debbie for the info, I kinda thought that the base color had to be dry. You are very generous sharing your secrets to success with us..

indiaartist said...

Beautiful painting, real summer time here. Thanks.

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