A little R+R

Just back from a little vaca in beautiful Camden Maine.  Feeling pretty lucky That I got to spend some time there.  New England rocks!  Refreshed and recharged

Daylily Love

common day lily, artists gardens, debbie miller
One of my favorite perennials- Hemerocallis.   So rock solid dependable.  I like that in a plant. 
Here are a few from around my garden:
daylily varieties, artist garden, debbie miller

Ponder this:


Did you see this article : http://newsfeed.time.com/2013/02/18/second-mona-lisa-deemed-authentic/

Totally plausible to me.  Artists paint the same thing all the time, right?  I do.  I did it this week And last month
But, there are so many fakes and forgeries out there, how can they be SURE? 

Just a little something to ponder on this gorgeous summer day....

Studio Peek

Some of what I've been doing lately... when I get an image that I like - in this case the 3 boys, often I will try it out many different ways. starting with literal then moving more away from that into something more raw.  Also, abstract-y, dreamy landscapes are starting to appear.  More grays and yellows too.

Swimmer with Bracelet 0814-1

10x10" oil on raised panel. $300
Wow, June and July are pretty much a blur.  Very busy doing commissions for many  - thank you all!!

It has been fun, and I've fallen into a nice painting routine.  I enjoy that part a lot - the routine, the getting down to business, the process.  The creativity flows from the "just showing UP".

This swimmer just appeared one day- after the labor intensive commission work.  I like her sassy attitude. She must swim laps in the ocean everyday.  I gave her a little charm bracelet, just because...
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